IPCC Reports are too optimistic

James Hansen is an American climate scientist. Between 1981 and 2013, he worked at NASA Goddard Space Research Institute (GISS), where essential data in terms of climate were produced, and during this time he served as the director of the Climate Research Division of GISS. With his testimony in the US Senate in 1988, he attracted more public attention to the problem of climate change and created scientific awareness. With this and subsequent activism, James Hansen is one of the best-known scientists on climate change. Hansen is an advocate emphasizing the importance of resolute policies and renewable energy sources in tackling climate change. Despite his retirement from GISS, James Hansen continues his research and effective communication on climate change. In his latest article, Hansen targets the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC), which is considered an authority in terms of climate science. The IPCC is often the target of those who do not believe in the climate crisis...