Limits of our Resources
After the Second World War, the world economy entered a period of unprecedented economic growth. This growth process not only reduced relative poverty in almost all nations but also enabled developed nations to reach their current level of prosperity. However, this growth process also brought with it problems about the sustainability of this growth. The Club of Rome, one of the main think tanks that put forward such problems, posed the question "How much more is it possible to grow?" to a group of scientists from MIT University. Donella Meadows and her coworkers published their work to answer this question in a report called The Limits to Growth. This report, published in 1972, has since been regarded as the fundamental study that has determined the growth limits of our civilization. Although The Limits to Growth is a very comprehensive report, it looks at the problem of growth from a narrow perspective and asks, “Do we have enough resources to grow even more?” and then tries...